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Posted on12-12-2017 -

El Tintal

It consists of more than 850 buildings that include groups of Triadic Pattern, the Acropolis, a Ball Game, large palaces and a huge artificial ditch that surrounds the city and that guaranteed water supply throughout the year. The Jade road connects the two most important sectors and marks the main axis of the city. Like […]

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La Muerta

La Muerta es el nombre dado a un yacimiento arqueológico maya ubicado en la porción norte de la región del Petén en Guatemala. Se le considera un sitio satélite de El Mirador. La Muerta fue habitada durante el periodo clásico, desde el temprano, hasta el tardío. Se encuentra entre los sitios arqueológicos de El Mirador […]

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El Mirador

It is one of the most monumental sites in the lowlands of Guatemala and one of the oldest sites in Mesoamerica. This site was founded in the Middle Preclassic. Some centuries later, it became the capital of the region and one of the places where the main characteristics of the Mayan Civilization, still alive during […]

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The term Nakbé means “on the road” or “by the road”; It is a city built more than 2,8000 years ago, and it is connected to el Mirador by a 12.5 kilometer long road. It is located on a hill surrounded by flood zones and was one of the most important sites in the region. […]

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La Florida

It was developed mainly during the Classic period (250-900 AD) and shows the characteristics of a small pre-Hispanic village, where flint tools were manufactured and marketed. The social organization was established from extended families, who shared a housing area organized around one or several courtyards. The occupation of each individual was determined by the social […]

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